Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Adventures Of Pirotess: A Musical Starlight Celebration

The holidays are here in Final Fantasy XIV and that means it's time for the annual Starlight Celebration. Starlight is a fun Christmas event and I always look forward to it because the rewards you get for the event are quite nice and they vary each year. The event started on December 18 and will be running until December 31. To start the festivities, head to Old Gridania where everything is decorated for the Christmas holiday and is quite pretty. Remember, your adventurer must be at least level 15 to participate.

Pirotess in Old Gridania. 

Talk to the NPC Amh Garanjy to start the first quest, All I Want For Starlight. This sends you to Bentbranch Meadows to look for a young boy's father who is a singer and helping to fulfill his wish of seeing his father for Starlight. Once you talk to the father, you head back to Old Gridania to turn the quest in.

Pirotess starts the first Starlight quest. 

When you turn in the quest, you can now start the next quest, A Chocobo Carol by again talking to Amh Garanjy. She tells you that all you have to do is talk to one of the two NPCs to start the Starlight Celebration concert that you are to conduct.

Pirotess starts the next Starlight quest. 

When you talk to one of the NPCs they will ask you if you are ready to start the concert. This gives you a brief instruction on how the musical mini game for the event works and what the controls for it are. There are two songs to choose from, Starlight de Chocobo which is easy and Starlight Star Bright which is harder. 

Brief instructions for the mini game. 

The musical mini game takes a bit of getting used to as you have to time when you hit the prompts as they appear. You have a meter that you need to keep full as you play this mini game and if the meter empties, you fail the quest. Don't worry if you fail, you can try again until you get it. It took me a couple of tries before I got it right. 

Pirotess plays the music mini game. 

When you do complete the concert successfully, a cutscene will play showing your character finishing conducting and everyone takes a bow while the audience cheers and applauds. I felt pretty good when I was able to complete the quest and the songs for the mini game are cheerful and catchy. 

Pirotess conducts the concert. 

The music mini game is repeatable and when you complete it you receive certificates of good cheer. You use these certificates to trade in to the NPC vendor for items commemorating the Starlight event ranging from furniture items to barding for your chocobo. 

Items you can get from the event. 

I love the chocobo barding you get because it is very festive and cute. The holiday wreath you get for your house is also adorable. The orhestration scroll you get is great because you can learn the Starlight de Chocobo song and play it on the jukebox in your house. 

Pirotess and her chocobo Mouse who is dressed in full Starlight barding.

This year's Starlight Celebration was a lot of fun and the rewards for it are great. It shows off the joy and magic of the season. It's a nice break from adventuring and allows you to enjoy yourself and celebrate with everyone. Thanks for reading seeing you at the next adventure! I will be back in the new year. Happy holidays and happy new year everyone!

See you at the next adventure! Happy holidays and happy new year!

*Final Fantasy XIV is available to play on the following platforms: PC and Playstation 4

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