Friday, July 26, 2013

Neil Gaiman Does A Video Game? Count Me In!

Neil Gaiman is doing his first video game, Wayward Manor. I'm stoked about this as I love Neil Gaiman's stories and this sounds quite promising. You can read all about it here:

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Destiny, Looking Quite Impressive

A few of my friends have asked me what my thoughts are on the upcoming video game Destiny developed by Bungie and published by Activision. The artwork from the screen shots look gorgeous, the trailer looked great and it does look promising. My one concern was that it's a first person shooter, but that's a minor detail mainly for me because of the horrible motion sickness and vertigo I get from trying to play in first person perspective. I can't even watch in first person perspective because that gets me too.
 Now after having said that, I watched the official game play video, I am blown away. The camera doesn't do that jumpy, jerky movement that so many FPS games do which means it's possible that I might be able to play this game for short periods of time without worrying about raging nausea. That's great for me. Then, you have epic battles, great musical score, and an incredibly creative fantastic world full of all kinds of creatures. The weapons they showed are pretty amazing too as well as the ships that were featured in the video. It looks like a lot of work has been put into making Destiny a game that is truly worthy of those who love science fiction, fantasy, and a great story with excellent game play. So, what do I think of Destiny? I think it's incredible and looking quite impressive. I can't wait for its release date so I can try it out for myself. You can check out more about the game on the Destiny website here: In the meantime, you can  check out the official game play video trailer here: