Sunday, July 28, 2019

Dragon Quest Builders 2: Bigger, Better Building Fun

I enjoyed the first Dragon Quest Builders game so I was excited to play Dragon Quest Builders 2. The story for Dragon Quest Builders 2 is set after the events of Dragon Quest 2. It focuses on a group known as The Children Of Hargon who are seeking revenge on the children of Erdrick for the defeat of Hargon and Malroth. The way they do this is by forbidding building or creating anything and by eliminating builders completely. You can play as a male or female builder and are captured by The Children of Hargon on a ship. This is where the game introduces some of the tutorial basics for the game. It's a fun way to introduce you to how building works in the game. The item menu and controls are easy to navigate as you cycle through which items you need. You can break things down to gather building materials the way you would in games like Minecraft and use them to build. Eventually your builder escapes and ends up on the Isle Of Awakening where they meet a person named Malroth who has no memories of his past or who he was. He joins your builder and helps them to build, battle monsters, and improve their building powers.

This is where Dragon Quest Builders 2 really shines. It showed how much they improved upon the issues with the first game. The first area you arrive at introduces you to a group of farmers and starts you on your building journey. Here you learn about growing crops, creating even better buildings, and do several quests for the people. It feels less lonely because your builder has actual help. If your base is destroyed by monsters, the villagers will actually rebuild it for you. They will plow the fields and water the crops you plant. If you add building materials to a chest, the villagers will use those materials to build. You will also get requests for specific room builds such as a kitchen or a private bedroom. This gives you a lot of creative freedom in your building deciding what type of materials you want to use to build the walls as well as crafting the items needed to place in the rooms. It's easy to lose track of time as you run around gathering materials, build rooms, craft items, and complete quests as part of the story.

Taking the time to appreciate building a great field of crops. 

The combat is no longer frustrating and tedious. Instead, it's a lot of fun and you notice how much it's improved from the first game. Having Malroth with you definitely helps because he helps your builder unlock better skills for getting materials for your builds. You also unlock combo attacks that you can do with Malroth while fighting enemies. Battles are a lot of fun and you can craft weapons for yourself, Malroth, and some of the villagers. They will fight monsters alongside you and I was having such a good time with it, I didn't even notice the level grind. The art design and music for the game is great and I found myself stopping just to look at the surrounding area and see all the types of monsters there are in the game. 

Battling monsters is fun!

One of the big things I appreciated in the game is fast travel. In certain spots you touch an item called a naviglobe and from then you can warp to that area. You can always warp back to your home base which is convenient because it means you don't have to run all those long distances. This is easily done via your map menu. It's easy to open and you can just scroll to where you need to go and click on the footprints icon on the map. I enjoyed exploring the open world and finding different things I could use to add to my builds. As you gather new materials, this unlocks new recipes. Another thing that unlocks new recipes is leveling up your base of course. As it levels up, it draws more people to the town and you have even more people helping you build which is great. 

Ah, the great convenience of fast travel. 

The story in Dragon Quest Builders 2 is great. I found myself invested in the story and wanting to see what happened next. The characters are charming and there are a lot of moments with them that are endearing. Every time I told myself I would only play for a couple of hours, four hours would go by because that's how much fun I was having with the game. With things like being able to change my character's appearance and add accessories as well as unlocking new recipes to build, it's not surprising that I had a blast playing the game and that I'm still having a fantastic time playing it. Being able to build things on my own island is amazing. Having that freedom to explore and build to my heart's content is absolutely one of my favorite things about the game. There is a great co-op feature as well. You can play with up to three people so that you can fight monsters, gather materials, and build together. It adds to the fun of the game even more and it keeps me coming back to play. Even after the main story is done, there are still areas to explore and more building to be done. Dragon Quest Builders 2 is bigger, better building fun than the first and it is a delight to play. 

Having fun living my best builder life!

*Dragon Quest Builders 2 is available to play on the following platforms: Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch

*Come join our community as we enjoy gaming and open and honest conversations about mental health on Twitch:

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Joy Of My Time At Portia

I had never played My Time At Portia, but after seeing people stream it I was genuinely curious about it. I mentioned this to a friend of mine and they highly recommended the game to me stating that because I love Stardew Valley, they were sure I would love this game. I decided to get a copy of the game and check it out for myself for my own streams. Right from the start I was hooked in. The introduction to My Time At Portia is that long ago civilization as we know it was destroyed and humans came out from living underground to rebuild society.

This is where the character design comes in. You can play as a male or female character. There are a variety of options to choose from with your character's face and hair as well as being able to adjust the color and makeup to the way you want. I do wish there were a few more longer hair options, but that's a minor thing and you do have a lot of freedom to choose how your character looks.

Character creation offers a lot of choices.

Once the character creation is done, you are on a boat arriving to Portia. The gist of the story is you are a builder and you inherit your father's workshop in order to build and expand helping the town of Portia grow. This introduces you to a bit of a tutorial on your house and how to build things in your workshop via machines and items used for crafting. Building and crafting is a big part of Portia naturally as your character is a builder. I actually had fun figuring out which machines I needed to build and how much of each item I needed to make things. Having multiple machines to craft things is definitely a good idea. 

Use machines to craft and build your way to a better Portia. 

This is where logging and mining come in. You will need a lot of various types of wood, ore, stone, and other materials in order to craft and build things. It is not tedious at all. I actually found it pretty relaxing to just quietly go out gathering. You also get experience points for each action which is nice for leveling up your character. With mining you get to go into ancient ruins and use an item called a relic scanner. With this tool you can scan the area and dig up relics from the old world as well as data discs. The data discs are important because you can take them to the research center in Portia and the scientists there can study them and give you diagrams that allow you to build machines and technology from the old world. You can also use these data discs to put together old world relics that you find in your mining. It's very much like a bit of a treasure hunt and it's great to see what you can discover. 

Dig for materials and use the relic scanner to find old world items in the ruins.

You do not have to just mine in the ancient ruins. There are some other ancient ruins that have monsters that you can battle. You can craft weapons to use for fighting the monsters in these ruins. It is a good idea to take food with you that has healing properties as well as healing items that you can get from the clinic. The ruins with monsters are like a dungeon crawler having a set amount of floors. For example, one area can have five floors and you fight all the monsters on the floor. When you get to the fifth floor you have to fight a boss in order to proceed to the next area. The monster ruins usually have four set areas with a certain number of floors and it will give you the levels your character should be in order to successfully complete the area. These battles are a fun distraction from crafting and you are rewarded with items for your character ranging from crafting materials to accessories to weapons. 

Fighting monsters in dangerous ancient ruins is a blast!

Fishing is another part of My Time At Portia. Honestly, I like the fishing in Portia better than Stardew Valley. It's an easier mechanic to follow and you actually earn more money from selling fish in the game. You should also save some of the fish to donate to the research center and to gift to one of the resident animals in Portia, a fluffy pink cat named Pinky. Fishing is relaxing and a great way to make money. You can also use the fish to cook different recipes. 

Chilling out with some fishing. 

Of course you can't get anywhere without friends in Portia. One of the things I absolutely love about the game is that as a male or female character you can romance the available bachelors and bachelorettes. So if you want to romance someone like Arlo you can do that as a guy or a girl. You can also make friends with people. You have a social log that shows your relationship status with people. The people with hearts by their name are people you can romance and marry while the people with stars by their name you can have friendships with, but not romance them. 

Your social links in the user menu show you where you stand.

In order to increase those relationships, you need to talk to people as well as giving them gifts they like or love. This is where the Portia wiki is your friend. You can look up different characters and see what items they prefer. My character romanced and married Arlo who loved roses and spicy food. You can also fulfill wishes for people when they tell you about something they would like to have. In Arlo's case it was an arm stretcher. When you give people gifts they like or love, you will see how many friendship points it accrued. You can also spar with people or play rock, paper, scissors and get friendship points that way also. Each person in Portia has their own interesting back story and as you get to know them better you get to learn more about them. 

Give people gifts they love for increased romance or friendship.

When a person likes you or you're in a romance with them you can go on play dates or dates. There are several locations on the map where you can play a mini game such as lighting fireworks, playing on a seesaw, or doodling in the sand. This allows you to get to know the person more and increase those friendship points. I found I really liked getting to know all the different people and learning about them. 

There are of course a variety of festivals throughout the seasons in Portia. These are so much fun as you celebrate with everyone in town. My two personal favorites are the fishing contest and the snowball battle. You can earn special badges from these events and trade them in for special items and furniture for your workshop. You also increase your friendship points with everyone in town by participating in these special events so it's a good idea to have fun and enjoy it. Once you get the camera you can run around and take photos with people you're friends with which is really cool. 

The great thing about My Time At Portia is it gives you the freedom to explore at your leisure and allows you to take your time to just enjoy things at your own pace. While there are a few crafting missions that you have to finish in a certain amount of time, you have a lot of room to explore. Finishing certain story missions also unlocks more of the map for you giving you even more places to go. I love My Time At Portia because of the wonderful way it incorporates all these things, letting you experience the game at your own pace and it is a joy to play and I find I keep playing because it is so much fun. 

Taking a photo with Arlo. 

*My Time At Portia is available to play on the following platforms: Windows, Mac OS, Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch

*Come join our community on Twitch as we enjoy games and talk about mental health: