Monday, August 26, 2024

Just Crow Things: Come For The Chaos, Stay For The Adorable Crow

*Note I received a game key for Nintendo Switch for my honest review. Thank you to Unbound Creations for the game key!

Have you ever wanted to cause a bit of chaos as a cute little crow? Well, Just Crow Things lets you do exactly that. I had to adjust the settings for the music because it was a bit loud. The accessibility settings are pretty good with being able to adjust the font of the text for the game and tweaking the controls a bit. I also liked that I could choose story mode so I could just enjoy the game without frustration. We're introduced to a cute little crow talking with her grandma about going into the world to have an adventure and experience lots of new things. It's very cute and sets up why we're hanging out with Crowy perfectly.

Just a little crow with her grandma. 

There are twelve sandbox style levels with different things Crowy has to do to complete each level. The first one of course is a tutorial that shows how the controls work for walking, picking items up, flying, and of course wreaking havoc on humans by pooping on them. 

Hedgehog friend shares some knowledge. 

Right from the start I was hooked on Just Crow Things. It's a lot of fun with the cute art style and hilarious with many puns, dad jokes, and nods to various video games and tv shows. I had such a giggle at the Alan Wake parody references in one level which then had a nod to The X-Files immediately afterwards. I also love that they had a whole level that was a parody of Wind Waker my personal favorite Legend of Zelda game. No two levels are alike and they're wonderfully creative. My personal favorite was a craft world because I had a great time running around making things. Each area has a checklist of things to do or items to find. Crowy does this in order to get crowputation and of course crow street cred. You need one hundred crowputation to finish each level. 

The chaos this little crow can cause is glorious especially with all the pooping you can do. One of the funniest moments for me was Crowy eating some glitter and pooping glitter bombs on all the humans in town. The good times don't just stop there. In every area, there are snacks to eat for more disaster poops, tools to use, and helpful animal friends who point out the many ways Crowy can stick it to the humans for animals everywhere. There are also adorable hats, costumes, and accessories she can wear to be as stylish as possible while being an adorable problem.

Just a crow wreaking havoc with a blowtorch. 

Each level I went to, I always found something unexpected and delightful. The parody nods to so many gaming, TV, and movie references are so well done. There are also parody nods to social media that make for some really funny conversations among Crowy and her fellow animal friends. Each area gets a little bigger as you go giving Crowy plenty of places to explore and lots of things to do. I enjoyed the Edgar Allan Crow area with its Halloween haunted house theme because I love Halloween. I had a great time helping a ghost find all their spilled candy and laughed about a kid ghost getting me to use a leaf blower so they could claim to their ghost mom they did all their chores so they could go play video games. 

Sweet, I can change to a ghost crow! 

The game isn't very long. With main story and side quest things, it's about three hours. I'm not the best gamer so I miss a lot of stuff and I like to take my time. For me, I finished Just Crow Things in about eight hours. Once you finish, there's still things you can do. You can unlock new game plus and wander around through the levels finding things you may have missed with all the items and tools at your disposal. I went back and finished all the race challenges which are a lot of fun. The game has the perfect amount of whimsy, chaos, humor, and so many adorable interactions with Crowy and her friends. I had such a blast playing it and I could tell how much love went into making this game with each level, dad joke, and an excellent variety of nods to so many games, movies, and TV shows that many of us love. Come for the chaos, stay for the adorable crow, and enjoy every bit of Just Crow Things because it's such a great indie gem. 

Ready to dive into this level! 

*Just Crow Things is now available on the following platforms: Steam, Nintendo Switch,Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Playstation 4, and Playstation 5

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