Monday, July 22, 2024

Mothergamer Plays Little Kitty, Big City

The minute I saw the teaser trailer for Little Kitty, Big City I knew this was a game for me. The story starts with an adorable kitty taking a relaxing nap on their window ledge bathing in all the sunshine like cats do. Suddenly, disaster strikes and the kitty falls from the window and all the way down to the ground. This is where the kitty's adventures begin as they try to find their way through the city and try to get back home. 

Just a cute kitty having a window nap. 

I was happy to see they made it so the kitty is never really hurt. The biggest obstacle is giant puddles of water that the kitty has to find their way around. It was so much fun playing as kitty that I made myself everyone's problem. I did all kinds of cat things like rubbing against people and tripping them, stealing their phones, stealing their dropped food, and meowing to get their attention and get lots of head pats from them. I love the fact that the game allows you to do this. There's no rush, you can take your time exploring and just be a cute little cat. Kitty can talk to others to find their way around like an adorable fluffy cat that is the self proclaimed mayor. The mayor gives kitty some advice for getting around town after kitty does some chaos cat things for him. 

Kitty talks to the Mayor. 

There are puzzles to navigate for getting around the city like climbing up and over obstacles. This is a cat after all and climbing and jumping are things they do best. There's also a lot of cute collectibles to collect like hats. The hats are my favorite because each design is incredibly cute ranging from an apple hat to my personal favorite a frog hat. You can get them from doing side quests and also from gacha machines as long as you have enough coins. 

Kitty looking very cute in an apple hat. 

It's not easy for kitty to make it back home. The whole journey is about regaining their strength so they can make that long climb back to their window. The side quests help with this a lot because they get rewards that help with that in the form of fish to eat and lots of cute hats. Helping is a great idea not just for the rewards, but because the side quests themselves are funny, cute, and charming. My favorite quest was finding all the adorable ducklings. 

Playing video games with a duckling. 

Eventually, you also find a way to fast travel thanks to a very smart Tanuki. It makes going back and forth to get collectibles a lot easier. Little Kitty, Big City is not very long. If you do the main objectives and nothing else, it's about two and a half hours. If you're like me and want to get everything done, it's a little longer and I finished it in about six and a half hours. It's short and sweet which is not a bad thing. For me, Little Kitty, Big City hit all the bells and whistles for cuteness, a cheerfully fun adventure, and a lot of cozy charm. It's a delightful romp getting to play as an adorable kitty living their best adventurous life. 

There is only frog hat!

*Little Kitty, Big City is available on the following platforms: Steam, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S (Gamepass), and Nintendo Switch

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