Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Bit Of A Hiatus

Recently my grandmother had been ill. She had a stroke, followed by a seizure and was in the ICU. This is a woman who had raised me and my younger brother Rob, so this was quite distressing to me and my family. She was not doing well and the decision was made to move her to Hospice Care and make sure she was as comfortable as possible. My grandmother Patricia Lawrence Kabrich passed away three days before Christmas.
 This has been a very sad and hard time on all of us who knew her and loved her. My grandmother was a force of nature, She Who Must Be Obeyed, (a bit of humor from my best friend who knew her and loved her too) and a person with a big heart who loved us as much as we loved her.
 My husband has been wonderfully supportive and comforting, along with my family and friends. Thank you, your kind words and comfort means a lot.
 I'm not sure when my next Mother Gamer review will be as my heart is just not in writing anything at the moment. I hope you all understand, and I will be back when the time is right for me. Thank you all for reading and Happy Holidays to you all. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Little Update

 I am playing through Assassin's Creed III right now and it's taking me a bit because I have been busy with holiday stuff. I've also been playing some other games that I am working on reviews for. I do apologize that it's been a bit since the last Mother Gamer post, but I'm sure everyone knows how hectic the holiday season can be. I have also been knitting gifts for people since July (crafters have to start early!) and I'm in the home stretch trying to finish them up, do gift wrapping, and mailing said gifts to people. Whew! So things are a little busy at the moment.  I promise I will be doing a review of Assassin's Creed III very soon. Thank you for understanding dear readers, and hope your holiday season is a festive and happy one. :)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Farewell Attack Of The Show And X-Play

 I was sad when I saw this article on IGN, because it looks like the end of geek friendly shows Attack Of The Show and X-Play. Personally, I liked Tech TV better, but I am saddened to see shows that shared a lot of my interests and passions are getting the shaft for of all things channeling an older, more hip audience along the lines of GQ magazine. It makes me shudder because I feel we have enough of that snobbery already. I'm sure in the end, it all boils down to money because that seems to be the way of things lately. Farewell Attack Of The Show and X-Play. As my buddy Dremmy says, it's the end of an era.
You can read the IGN article here:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Assassin's Creed III Is Almost Here!

 I know that I am quite excited for next week because it means Assassin's Creed III will be here and ready for me to play and enjoy along with the rest of my friends. Until it arrives however, we can enjoy the interactive trailer for single player and the  multiplayer trailer. Both are amazing and I can't wait for October 30 to get here. On October 31 the game goes worldwide so my friends across the pond won't have to wait long to enjoy the game as well. In the meantime, enjoy the trailers!

Single Player Trailer:

Multiplayer Trailer:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dragon's Dogma: Worth Playing Again And Again

 I have been having a blast with Dragon's Dogma. The story is excellent and gives you a great sense of high adventure. Strategy matters here because if you don't plan accordingly you will die fighting that chimera or a mob of bandits  even on the easy setting. The battle system and menu options are great and quite user friendly. The scenery is simply breathtaking with views of seaside cliffs and spooky forests.

What a view!

 The star of the show for me is the incredible Pawn system. When you go adventuring in Dragon's Dogma, you get to create your own pawn, how it looks, job class, etc. and you can recruit two support pawns for your party. Other players can hire your pawn and you can hire theirs from an in town hub called The Rift. Pawns can be rated based on their skills, helpfulness, intelligence, and appearance. You can also give gifts to the pawn for their owner as a thank you for their service. If you're online, you will see pawns roaming the world on the road or in towns and you can hire them. Your main pawn's interaction depends on you and it will evolve based on your battle moves and what you tell it in the training chair at every town's inn, making it the helpful ally that a high adventurer needs. The pawns are quite vocal and will even yell out helpful tips about defeating a boss or that pesky golem giving you trouble. Pawns can be fighters, warriors, striders, rangers, mages, and sorcerers. This gives you quite a variety of choices in picking out a party that is suited to your battle style and tastes.

Great support pawns are wonderful to have.

Overall the game is a big win in my book for having not only great gameplay, but also for having a truly interesting story and side quests rife with epic mythical monster battles. Dragon's Dogma is game that you will enjoy playing again and again.

Yes, there are griffins!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Another Impressive Assassin's Creed III Trailer

I'm counting down to the end of October so I can play this truly amazing looking game. I love the Assassin's Creed series and Assassin's Creed III has me so excited and wanting to play right now. You can check out the impressive trailer here:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Extra Life Gaming Charity 2012

Extra Life is a personal favorite charity of mine because it's a great idea for a wonderful cause, helping children. For the past four years, gamers have come together annually to play for 24 hours in a gaming marathon, raising money for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. The funds raised go to help save and improve the lives of these children. Gamers can recruit friends and family to sponsor their play and support a great cause. On October 20, 2012 you can game anywhere on any device for 24 hours representing the hospital you have chosen to play for. You can find out more and sign up at their website here: 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cool Assassin's Creed III Stuff

Of course everyone knows I've been counting down for months for Assassin's Creed III. I'm absolutely giddy that next month is October and this means I will be playing this game soon. I know many of my friends who are just as thrilled as I am about the game. This Inside Assassin's Creed III video is awesome and just increases my excitement for the game. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

No Skyrim Dawnguard DLC For PS3 Players

If you are a gamer who has been enjoying Skyrim on the PS3 like my husband and you've been patiently and eagerly waiting for the Dawnguard DLC, get ready for disappointment. Bethesda announced on their official forums that it's looking like at this time it may never be on the PS3. Of course, I'm disappointed by that news and of course my husband is. He's put a lot of time into the world of Skyrim and was really looking forward to Dawnguard.
Bethesda has stated they are working on the technical issues, trying to find a solution. Hopefully they do find a way to resolve the technical difficulties they're having. In the mean time, PS3 players will have to try out Dawnguard on the Xbox 360 or PC if they can get past their disappointment by this news.

You can read more about it here:

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hey, A Free Star Wars Book On Your Kindle!

 Today is the last day you can get Collect All 21! Memoirs of  a Star Wars Geek-Expanded Edition by John Booth on your Kindle for free. That's right, it's FREE. Who doesn't love a free book? If you're a Star Wars fan like myself, a free Star Wars book is a delightful win win. I have just started reading the book myself and I'm enjoying it because it is a fun read and brings back my own fond childhood memories of that love of Star Wars. So if you love Star Wars, you should definitely check out this book and again, it's free! Free is always a nice perk especially for a great book such as this one. You can get it here:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Assassin's Creed III Naval Battles Trailer

 October can't get here fast enough. I can't wait to play and try out everything, especially the naval battles. I've watched the trailer twice now, and it looks fantastic! You can take a look here:

Video Game Voters Network Annual Research Report Article

This is a very interesting read and a positive one. The ESA (Entertainment Software Association) released their annual research report showing key demographic facts about who is playing video games and what they are playing. It's refreshing to see an article that shows the positives of video games rather than the negatives. You can take a look at the article and the report here:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Gaming Is Gaming

 I've noticed that there are gamers who actually look down on others for playing casual games like Bejeweled, Farmville, Sims Social, and numerous others in that category. They feel that people who play casual games aren't gamers, that they're not really into video games because they only play casual games. I've even had a couple of friends tease me about it saying it doesn't really count as gaming because there's no console, pc, or handheld involved. I've seen and heard these gamers mock or belittle casual game players, simply for liking and playing casual games.
 Honestly, it annoys me. It shouldn't matter to anyone that someone likes to play casual games. I personally love Bejeweled because for me it is fun and I like challenging myself to get a better score than the last time I played before the timer runs out. I like playing the Marvel Avengers game also because again it's fun for me and it actually has pretty decent game play for a casual game. There's also the factor that it appeals to my love of comics. Casual games for me are a nice distraction when I have a few minutes waiting for a cake to bake or a load of laundry to be done.
 The other side of that is I also love games such as  Persona , Final Fantasy, Diablo, Tekken, Metal Gear, God Of War, Okami, Suikoden, Assassin's Creed, and many others that are on the computer, console, or handheld. I genuinely enjoy those games and have a good time playing them. I love the various stories, characters, art work, and music. I have personal favorites in certain genres because of playing them as a kid or because I felt the story was great.
 Have I ever thought I was less of a gamer for having fun in the world of casual gaming? Of course not. To me, if you truly enjoy a game be it a story about being dragon born or matching colored gems as fast as possible in one minute, then you're a gamer. There's no hardcore or weak for me. Gaming is gaming. It doesn't matter what you play or how long you've played. What does matter is that you have fun playing any game you like. It also matters how we treat each other. If you're looking down your nose at someone for having the best little virtual farm in Farmville and they're happy about it, please kindly get over yourself. If you're lecturing someone on how they're not "REALLY A GAMER" because they play casual games, do everyone a favor. Just stop. Walk away if you have to, but stop doing that to people.
 For one thing, it's not nice and for another if this is what you waste your time on instead of playing an awesome video game, that's pretty sad. The person that does this comes across as an elitist jerk and let's be honest, a lot of people don't like the elitist jerks in the world. They're just not any fun. What is fun is playing whatever you like and not worrying about who's really a gamer and who's not. Besides, if you really think about it Tetris could be considered one of the first casual games and I know quite a few of you who love a good round of Tetris. Just a thought. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hawken - War Is A Machine Trailer

As many know, I am a big nerd about mechs and giant robots. I love them. Hawken appeals to that love of all things shiny and giant robot/mech oriented. After watching the trailer twice, I am excited about this game. I can't wait to play because it looks amazing. It looks like Hawken will be free to play and you can sign up for the closed beta on the website. You can check out the live action trailer here:

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Gaymer Con Point Of View Article

A lot of people have been discussing Gaymer Con, some of it positive some of it not so positive. I for one can understand the desire to hang out with people of similar interests and tastes, so it's really not a big deal to me that people want to have this. What I can't understand is some of the blatant hatred going on towards people for proposing to have Gaymer Con.  It's one thing to agree to disagree, but it's the execution of the disagreeing I have a problem with. You can disagree with a person on something without resorting to name calling and inflammatory bigotry. Maybe it's me, but my take on Gaymer Con is if they want to have it go for it, it's not a big deal. It's not going to hurt anyone by setting this up and everyone is welcome.
 I was pleasantly surprised to see that Jim Sterling wrote what I felt was an insightful article that raised some very good and valid points about why it is important to some people to have Gaymer Con on the Destructoid website which you can check out here:

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Persona 4: Arena Doing Really Well

 Looks like Persona 4: Arena did surprisingly well in Japan. I love the Persona series and I was delighted to see this, personally. You can read all about it on the Crunchyroll website here:

 I can't wait for the U.S. release so I can try the game out for myself. It looks great and I'm looking forward to playing it.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

38 Studios' Financial Woes

 I was saddened to hear about the financial straits 38 Studios and Big Huge Games seemed to be in, because I really liked Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning. Things were looking grim.
 Epic Games decided to help them out in a big way, which is pretty amazing. You can read the article about it here:
It's nice to know that there is some good in this world and that there are people who are willing to take the time to help those in need.
Now for the not so good part. It looks like bad money management, a lack of business sense, and common sense in general caused these financial woes. The article here gives a pretty informative look at how this came to happen:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Assassin's Creed III Comic-Con Boston Gameplay Demo

The Assassin's Creed III walkthrough demo was shown at Comic Con 2012 with commentary from creative director, Alex Hutchinson. This shows off the Boston city environment and it looks amazing. There is so much detail and the gameplay looks phenomenal. I can not wait for October 30 to get here and play what looks like it's shaping up to be a fantastic game. You can check out the video here:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Geek Girl Seduction Article, You're Doing It Wrong...

I usually like Geeks Are Sexy. They post cool stuff, well stuff that pertains to my interests like robots, comic books, Doctor Who, Star Trek, etc. but they posted an article that left me scratching my head. It was titled How To Seduce A Geek Girl and after reading it, I felt a bad taste in my mouth. The taste got worse when I saw that a girl had written it. In regards to the girl who wrote it, a part of me wants to ask what she was thinking when she wrote it because while some girls may be into those things not everyone is. The article seems to state that all geek girls are the same and like only these few things that are listed. Read here:
 My big issue is the first line that states geek girls are their own breed. Seriously? It's not as if we're some kind of rare mystical animal like a unicorn. The point is, every geek girl is different and what one girl may geek out over, another one may not find that particular subject interesting. For example, if Batman and The Doctor (yes as in Doctor Who) were in front of me right now and asked me if I would like to go for a ride, I'd pick The Doctor because for me it's all about getting to time travel in the TARDIS with the Doctor and having all kinds of incredible adventures, (sorry, Batman) even though I like Batman too. I just love Doctor Who a little bit more.
 Then we come to the part where it hints that geek girls will never like anything from pop culture ever. I have several geek friends who like quite a few things from pop culture, not everything but a few things. There's also a myth thrown in there that geek girls ONLY seem to like fantasy movies like Lord Of The Rings, The Hobbit, Labyrinth, and the like. While I do love fantasy films and books ( I grew up on them due to all the wonderful books my grandmother had in the house and watched many fantasy and science fiction films and shows with her.), I am also equally in love with science fiction and if it has giant robots in it I'm in geek heaven. It's also why I love Spock and Sulu and why my husband teases me about my huge crush on Patrick Stewart. He'll even do the Captain Picard voice just to tease me about it, but you know what? I LOVE it.
 Then there's a weird part in the article about candy and about how geek girls should be given things like space ice cream and Sour Patch Kids and no chocolate. I know. I shed a tear at that too. I love chocolate especially dark chocolate and I love gifts of my favorite dark chocolate. I'm sorry, but I don't like space ice cream and if you give me that I'm probably going to raise my eyebrows at you quizzically and ask you what you did with my chocolate. I also don't like Dippin' Dots. I think they're weird.
 I can also honestly say I have never cosplayed anything remotely Battlestar Galactica oriented in the bedroom like this article suggests to do in order to seduce your geek girl. I like the show, but I can't see myself doing that. How does that work anyway? Does one get to be the evil cylon and you their clone? Or do you pretend the cylon is there with their clone and you get to participate? For the record, I've never done the Princess Leia slave girl scenario either. If that is your kind of party, then have at it. For me, it's not my thing.
 Now before everyone gets all riled up, let me be clear. I know that everyone is different and everyone has their own views and opinions about things. So yes, this article is one person's opinion and it shows a different view. However, in my opinion I disagree with a lot of things in it, mainly the idea that geek girls can be put into some kind of perfect cookie cutter form and we're all basically the same. That just isn't so. Geeks (girls and guys) come from all walks of life, have varying passions, interests, and come in all shapes and sizes. There is no one size fits all type.  One thing I do agree with in it is getting to know the person's interests and likes because that is part of getting to know them and you never know, you could have many likes and dislikes in common with them. Just by having a normal conversation, you can get to know a lot about a person. That applies to everyone not just geeks. Try it, you might be pleasantly surprised.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Phantasy Star Online 2 Launches On July 4th

The Phantasy Star Online 2 beta has been a great success according to SEGA. I have to agree. After playing the beta, I know that I enjoyed it greatly. The graphics are beautiful and the music is great. The game play is very user friendly and the interactive menu and maps are quite easy to navigate. Overall, it's been a lot of fun to play for me and I know my husband, Ron has enjoyed playing it also. We've had a great time playing it together.
 On July 4th (Yes, that's tomorrow) Phantasy Star 2 will be making the transition from open beta to full release at 2 p.m. Japanese time. There has been no official announcement regarding localization, but from all the information I've been looking up, it's looking like before winter of this year (December) it will be hitting North America. Phantasy Star 2 will also be released on the iOS and Android. There will also be a release for the PS Vita in 2013.
 If you've been playing the beta, your character will not be wiped and will switch over to the official release. I know I for one, will be playing although my Japanese isn't great and looking forward to the US release come this winter.
 Don't forget you can find every kind of guide for Phantasy Star Online 2 on the website and you can also get the latest updates from their Facebook page. There's some great information on new areas and costumes for the game as well as some contests on the latest blog post by which you can check out here:

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Phantasy Star Online Beta Starts June 21st

The pre open beta for Phantasy Star 2 was a success with 41,500 people on Saturday according to the blog. That's pretty amazing and now the beta for PSO2 starts on June 21st. The game is free to play and items that are exclusive or creating another character will cost Ark Cash.
 Just from what I saw from the pre open beta, the game looks amazing and the game play is great. I'm excited to play and many friends I've chatted with share that excitement. I know my husband is looking forward to playing and has been counting down to the day the beta starts.
The Phantasy Star Fan blog has a post about the beta schedule here:
They also have a great post with a walk through of the basics of the game and helpful tips about the camera and keyboard settings here:
There are a lot of other great blog posts too ranging from things such as character creation guides to a rare items and weapons list. Oh, and you can follow them on Facebook too for all things relating to Phantasy Star 2. I'm definitely looking forward to having fun with this game and I'm sure others are too. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Phantasy Star 2: Open Beta Test

I'm a big fan of the Phantasy Star games, so of course I'm excited about Phantasy Star 2. Did I pre-register for the open beta test? Absolutely. My discovery of this was via a great website, the Phantasy Star Fan blog. They have a great walk through of how to register for the open beta with translations as the page is in Japanese. They've also reported that as of today the official site stated that anyone who pre-registered for the open beta test will get a special prize, a Rappy mini doll room item. That for me, is pretty cool.
 The Phantasy Star Fan Blog also offers great guides for character creation, guides on in game weapons,  info on some of the nifty monsters, guides on mags,  and some pretty spiffy desktop wallpapers. You can check out everything and even register for the open beta here:
 I for one, can not wait. It looks like Phantasy Star 2 is shaping up to be a great game. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

More Assassin's Creed III

I for one can not wait for October to get here. You can check out all the info on the Assassin's Creed website and the Facebook fan page. The footage of the game looks incredible and I wish I had a Tardis of my own so I could fast forward to October so I can play this game. Just from this video alone, Assassin's Creed III looks like it's going to be a phenomenal game. You can check out the video here:

Monday, May 7, 2012

Assassin's Creed III Unite To Unlock The World Gameplay Premiere Quest

This is a very cool thing. I'm already excited about Assassin's Creed III, but here's another teaser trailer to watch. Then after you watch the video, just go to and share it on Twitter, Facebook, and recruit your friends to pass it along. The goal is to reach 1,776,000 posts, tweets, and shares in order to unlock the world game play premiere of Assassin's Creed III.
 Not only do you get to see another short, but amazing trailer for the game, you get rewarded for doing this with an Assassin's Creed III game art photo for Twitter, and two game art cover photos for Facebook which in my opinion is pretty great. The art looks fantastic and I for one am excited about this game and can not wait for its release date. Spread the word and get free art for what appears to be shaping up as a spectacular game. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Kingdoms Of Amalur New DLC

I enjoyed the DLC for Kingdoms Of Amalur, Legend Of Dead Kel. Now, there is a new DLC titled Teeth Of Naros which introduces a new race, a new area to explore, and many other goodies for the game. I know I am excited and can't wait to play. You can check out the trailer for yourself here.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dragon Age 3 New Ideas Discussion At PAX East 2012

After watching the video and seeing some of the ideas that were discussed in it, I can honestly say I have some hope and excitement for Dragon Age 3. If Bioware can stick to their guns and not have EA rushing them through this project it has potential to redeem them from some of the poor decisions that were made in Dragon Age 2.
 I also like the hint dropped about the possibility of exploring a new area that is a little more Orlesian. You can check the video out here:

Friday, March 30, 2012

Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning, A Great Time

Say Fable, Skyrim, and Dragon Age have a baby and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is the result and what a brilliant result it is. Not only is there a fantastic in depth story created by R.A. Salvatore, there is amazing art work done by Todd McFarlane and an incredible musical score by Grant Kirkhope. Last but not least, there is of course the game's executive designer, Ken Rolston. Together, these individuals made one hell of a RPG video game, that was not only fun to play, it's worth playing through again and again.

The story begins with your character finding himself or herself revived from death by a creation known as the Well Of Souls. This event has disrupted the threads of fate that affect the people and events of Amalur leaving you with no determined fate. This opens you up to many possibilities and of course there are those who would exploit it for their own personal gain.
 With an opening like this, Kingdoms Of Amalur's story has a lot of depth and there are many possibilities that one can take as it progresses. There is so much to explore on the map and there is a freedom to it as you can explore as much as you like. The story line itself leads to you exploring the kingdom of Amalur even further opening up new areas and you are not isolated to just one location.
 All the areas are beautifully done and are different from each other. No similarities or one map used repeatedly here. There is even a dangerous beauty and creativity to all the fantasy monsters that are a threat to you such as mountain trolls. Although you will see some of the same monsters in different areas as well as types of NPCs and other characters, it mixes together so well it doesn't hinder the game play or the story. The dialogue with characters is well written and even more refreshing, well acted. It's never boring and in some dialogues it even adds more to the tale.

 One flaw Kingdoms Of Amalur has is a couple of the quests had a few bugs, such as the Shine And Shadow quest. The quest couldn't be finished because of the quest items not being in the inventory or the Boss for this particular quest just didn't show up. It wasn't a terribly trying ordeal, but it was something that was noticed and something that could and should be fixed. Other than that, there was no other technical issues with the game for me. The game didn't freeze once during all the hours of game play and the frame rate didn't drop, and because of how much fun I had with the game, a couple of quest bugs didn't bother me at all. But, let's move on to the rest of the good.

The core of Kingdoms Of Amalur is the combat throughout the game along with the ability to fully customize your character and play to your character's strengths due to your fate or lack of one. The possibilities are endless and you can even open up new job classes as your character levels up as the game progresses. Award points earned after leveling up can be put into three categories: Might, Finesse, and Sorcery giving you added abilities and status boosts associated with whichever job class you have chosen. Combine this with all the questing and yes, that includes all the side quests, five guild story arcs, and the downloadable content of The Legend Of Dead Kel, that could easily give you 100 hours or more of game time. To sum up, Kingdoms Of Amalur isn't just a run of the mill RPG. It's something more. It has a great mix of excellent story telling, amazing game play, and an exciting world to explore that promises tons of great adventure. Overall, it is a game worth having in a gamer's collection.

Game Available for: Xbox 360, PS3, and PC

Monday, March 5, 2012

Assassin's Creed III Trailer Is Here!

I know that I stated there was a small part of me that was skeptical, but after seeing the trailer for Assassin's Creed III that is no longer true. I am excited and quite pleased by this. I can't wait for October 30 to get here so I can play what looks like it's going to be another amazing installment in the Assassin's Creed series. Take a look for yourself and enjoy!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Assassin's Creed III Cover Art And Speculation

So in recent news, the Assassin's III cover has been revealed and the art work for the April cover of Game Informer does look impressive. You can take a look at the article here:

I admit I have conflicting feelings on this. On the one hand, I'm not sure how I feel about it being set in the Revolutionary War period because I loved the game play of Italy and Constantinople. I'm also not sure how this particular time period would play out, it could be great or it could be unsatisfying and disappointing. On the other hand, I find myself excited by the cover art because it's interesting and makes me curious about what kind of character this protagonist could be and what the story for Assassin's Creed III would be like. I find myself wanting to know more about the game and about what the cover art means and could promise for the next installment of Assassin's Creed. It seems my excitement is outweighing my doubts and I am finding myself wishing the game was out now so I could play it.
 What really interests me are the elements to this new character i.e. the weapons, and the clothing that hints at Native American influences. That could be a potentially fantastic and great character to play and could fit in with the Revolutionary War background because there could be other areas to explore such as France and England as well as early America. It opens up paths to endless possibilities for the game which in itself is quite exciting.
In the meantime, we'll just have to enjoy the art work and speculate among ourselves until Ubisoft reveals the full details on March 5, 2012. The release date for Assassin's Creed III is scheduled for October 30, 2012.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

On A Break

I haven't had much time to write, due to family things going on. I apologize to my readers and hope they understand that sometimes real life throws a monkey wrench into things. I will be back as soon as possible, once everything is in order. Thank you for reading, and thank you for understanding. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kingdoms Of Amalur Teaser

Another game I am looking forward to playing is Kingdomes Of Amalur. It looks like 2012 is going to be a great year for video games. You can take a look at a pretty cool video of the demo here:

If you think it is awesome and want to try it out for yourself, you can try the demo on Xbox 360, PSN, or the PC. I know I'm definitely going to play the demo and enjoy myself! 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Resident Evil 6 Excitement!

I love the Resident Evil games, so after watching the trailer for Resident Evil 6 I am quite excited! It looks awesome, and I have already marked it down on my list of games I want to play the heck out of this year. You can take a look at the trailer here:

I know I am looking forward to it! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Busy Busy

 I'm still recovering from the holidays and have just been terribly busy, real life over everything else. I have been an incredible book worm of late and I played through Suikoden III again off and on while recovering from a pretty awful cold. So more nerdy things from me soon, just resting and doing the whole wife and mother thing. :)